What does a Professional Organiser do?
I love answering this question and it’s one I get asked a lot because the idea of hiring a professional organiser is still a relatively new concept in the UK!
Every professional organiser has different approaches and areas of expertise but in essence, they help their clients (who come from all walks of life) to simplify and streamline their possessions so that they can feel happier and function more efficiently at home and at work.
I work alongside my clients to motivate, encourage and support them to:
- Reduce the possessions they own to ensure that they are only keeping those that are adding positive value to their lives. I help them to let go of those taking up valuable space (i.e. decluttering /reducing clutter). For a simple definition of clutter see my next blog post!;
- Guide them as to how to best remove the possessions they no longer want to keep. For example, advise them about what can go in general waste and what can be recycled or sold and how to do so;
- Assist clients to find storage solutions to best organise the possessions they want to keep so that their lives become more calm and streamlined.
What kinds of issues do professional organisers solve?
Here are some examples of questions and problems which I solve on a daily basis:
- I don’t know where to start – I have too much stuff everywhere!
- Where is the best place to store X?
- What do I do with items which I don’t use but are sentimental?
- I need more space but don’t want to get rid of anything!
- What do I do with my children’s artwork?
- How can I make the best use of this space?
- Is this worth selling and if so, where can I sell it?
- What places accept X as a donation?
- I have lots of photographs, some digital, some printed, some inherited – what is the best way to display/ store them?
- Where is the best place to donate X?
- What is the best system for my paperwork?
Professional organisers have the specific expertise and skills required to answer these questions effectively. Just as importantly, they LOVE doing it! You don’t enter this profession unless solving these kinds of issues makes your heart sing!
I am always greeted with surprise when friends and clients hear that there are more people like me who love organising and decluttering, so much so that we have our own national organisation! I am an accredited (and proud!) member of APDO (the Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers (UK)). One of their main aims is to get the word out there that our profession exists and how much the expertise of professional organisers can change lives. Check out APDO’s website for more information about the profession: https://www.apdo.co.uk/our-organisation/.